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Pour moi (プーモワ) ーわたしのための心地よいものー
オーガニックコットンで作った繰り返し使える生理用布ナプキンMoon Cloth。体と向き合う大切な時間を優しく包みます。防水布は使わず、通気性の良い綿のみで作りました。縫製糸もオーガニックコットンを使用しています。本体と折りたたんで中に入れる布2枚の基本のセットです。本体の肌にあたる面と中布はWガーゼを使用、その日の量に合わせて中布の枚数を調整できます。
本体×1枚 (約20cm×26cm)中布×2枚(約31cm ×38cm)
スナップを止める糸はSunny Threadを使用しています。糸の色はお任せください。本体、中布単品での販売もしています。
Moon Cloth, a sanitary cloth pad made from organic cotton that can be used repeatedly. It will gently wrap your important time to engage with your body. Without using a waterproof cloth, it is made with only the breathable cotton. Threads are also from organic cotton. A basic kit which includes a pad and 2 cloths that you can fold and secure it inside the pad. double gauze is used for the surface that touches your skin and the inside. It is easily adjusted by simply removing/adding the inside cotton depending on your flow.
Same method as a disposable pad, attach to your sanitary shorts. The pleasant texture from the organic cotton will increase its water absorbency as you wash and the texture will become softer. Enjoy even if you are already using a cloth pad or a first timer. Also recommended for those who can get rashes or sensitive to cold from the disposable pad.
It can be used repeatedly and won’t produce any waste. Remove and wash the folded cloth from inside, and it is clean and sanitized. Don’t need to worry about missing a spot. Cherish your body and nurture the environment.
Main Pad X 1 (About 20cm X26cm) Inner Cloth X 2 (About 31cm X38cm) Instruction of usage and washing is included.(English ver.)
#ivory is not dyed. Original color from the cotton.
Sunny Thread is used for securing the snap. Thread’s color is selected randomly. The pad and the inner cloth are also sold separately.
If you wish to have plastic snaps, please address them in the other notes and remarks.