Chez ayaとは
オリジナルのオーガニックコットン刺繍糸Sunny Thread、刺繍キット、手刺繍作品の販売をしています。
また、2020年からは店主がサステイナブルな暮らしに提案したいGood itemも取り扱い始めました。
About Chez aya
Online shop managed by embroidery artist Aya.
Offering original organic embroidery string Sunny Thread, embroidery kits and handmade embroidery artworks. Also, starting from 2020, the owner started providing Good items for a sustainable lifestyle. Relax and enjoy just like visiting your best friend.
Sunny Threadとは
刺繍作家ayaによる“Sunny tread project”から生まれたオーガニックコットンと植物の染料で作られた刺繍糸です。お日様の下、健やかに育ったふわふわのコットンの優しさと自然の恵みの色彩をお届けします。
*Sunny thread の最新情報は aya websiteへ→
About Sunny thread
Sunny thread is an embroidery thread made with organic cotton and plant dye, by the embroidery artist Aya's "Sunny thread project".It is made with the wish to deliver the warmth of the soft, healthy organic cotton that has grown under the sun, and the blessing of the rich natural colors to your sewing box.
*New information of Sunny thread →
オーガニックコットンとは主に2-3年以上の栽培期間を経て、認証機関に認められた農地で、使用する農薬・肥料の厳格な基準を守って有機栽培されたコットンのことを指します。 認証を得ているオーガニックコットンはそれ以外にもフェアトレードであることや遺伝子組み換えの種子の使用禁止等、色々な基準をクリアした中で作られます。効率が優先される大規模農園でのコットン栽培は、殺虫剤や落葉剤など、収穫までの様々な工程で大量の農薬が使われると言います。ただ、こうして作られたコットン製品、体の中に入れるわけでなし、使用したからといって何か肌や体に問題が起こるということはほとんどないでしょう。しかし現場の被害は深刻で、農家の人の健康被害、農薬を継続的に購入する経済的負担、土壌汚染…などなど様々な問題を抱えています。
About Organic cotton
Organic cotton refers to cotton that has been grown organically for 2 to 3 years in certified farms with strict standards of agricultural chemical and fertilizer use. Besides this, the organic cotton that has been certified by the certification body needs to meet various standards such as fair trade and no use of genetically modified seeds. Great amount of agrochemicals such as pesticides and defoliants are used in mass cotton production in large farms. Nevertheless, these mass cotton products are not harmful to the skin or the body even if its texture and its water absorption ability may not be so high. However, there are serious damages at production sites such as health problems of workers, economical burden of constant agrochemical purchase, and soil contamination.
Soft, healthy organic cotton that has grown under the sun not only has merits towards the user, but also supports the life of manufacturing workers and the environment. I was attracted to the fact that organic cotton can make the lives of so many people happy.
Sunny threadは“ボタニカルダイ”で染められています。
botanical=植物 dye=染料という意味になりますが、金属を媒染剤として用いる従来の草木染とは異なる新しい技術です。媒染剤がなくても植物の色が繊維に染まるよう作られた糊と微量の化学染料を組み込むことで生まれた耐色性と良い発色を兼ね揃えた植物染料です。従来の草木染の色合いとは違う植物の持つ瑞々しい色彩、また化学染料の染め上がりとも異なる独特の奥行きのある色合いが魅力です。
毎日の暮らしはたくさんの色に囲まれています。ふと見上げた空の色、春に一斉に芽吹く緑、毎朝元気をくれるフルーツの色、いつか訪れた街の景色…。そんな日々の記憶の中にある愛おしい色たちをインスピレーションとして、フワフワの白い糸を染めSunny threadは生まれました。こうやって出来上がったそれぞれの糸の色が、その糸を手にしてくれた人の日常へまた新たな彩りを届けて…、と素敵な連鎖になることを願っています。
*Sunny threadのそれぞれの色のストーリーを綴った"Sunny thread book" ayaのHPにてご覧いただけます。こちらもぜひご覧ください。→
About the Coloring
Sunny thread is dyed with “Botanical Dye”.
As the name suggests, it is dye made from plants, and is a new type of technology that is different from the existing plant dye that uses metal as dye mordant. Botanical dye is made with glue that is able to dye the fiber without metallic dye mordant, and has the goodness of being colorfast and the ability to produce great color by adding a small amount of chemical dye. The fresh color of the original plants cannot be made by the existing plant dye, and the original deep colors that is different from chemical dye is what makes Botanical Dye special.
Our life is filled with so many different colors. The color you see when you look up into the sky, the greenness of the plants blossoming in spring, the brightness of the fruits you eat everyday, the colors of the cities you have visited… Sunny thread was made by dyeing the soft white thread with the inspiration of the memories of these lovely colors. I truly wish that these threads could become a good chain of happiness that can add more colors to the everyday lives of the people who encounters them.
*Please enjoy a little booklet about stories of each colors of sunny thread.→
Sunny thread の特徴
Sunny Threadは6本取り。一般的な刺繍糸の25番と糸の太さも、一束の長さもほぼ同じです。25番の刺繍糸を使う要領で、必要な本数に分けてお使いください。撚りがやや甘く、一般的な刺繍糸に施されているシルケット加工をあえて施していないので、マットでふわふわした質感が特徴です。一本取りで使うときなど、切れやすくなるのを防ぎたいときは、軽く蜜蝋を引くと強度が増します。付けすぎるとベタっとしてしまうので加減してください。
One and only Sunny Thread
Sunny Tread comes with 6 Strands. It’s size, width and length are same as the common embroidery thread #25.Divide the strands if needed just like using the #25 embroidery thread. It is gently twisted and the common mercerization that is used on embroidery threads are purposely avoided to make the thread’s texture soft and matte. If you want to use from 1 strand or want to protect from tearing, covering with beeswax will strengthen the thread. Be careful using too much which will cause stickiness.
Botanical Dye is colored from plants and will not discolor easily. It can be hand washed. The color will gradually fade if washed continuously, however; that speed is no different from the Chemical Dye. Use and wash multiple times and enjoy the discoloration.
Pour moi(ポーモワ)とは
スタートのアイテムは、オーガニックコットンで作った生理用布ナプキン【Moon Cloth/ムーンクロス】。お日様の下健やかに育ったコットンが、体と向き合う大切な時間を優しく包みます。洗って干して、ごみを出さずに繰り返し使える心地よさ。その心地よさが使う人の心身の健やかさに、その先の暮らしの健やかさへと続きますように。
About Pour moi
Innerwear line made with sustainable materials from the concept “A pleasant item for myself.”. Our starting item is sanitary cloth pad [ Moon Cloth] made from organic cotton. The cotton that flourished under the sun will gently cuddle with your essential time with your own body. Just wash and dry, the comfortableness of not needing to repeatedly take out the trash. Wishing that feeling will bloom one’s mind and health, and their healthy lifestyle ahead.
aya プロフィール
1983年東京生まれ。ESMOD JAPON 東京校卒業。
Aya's profile
Born in Tokyo, 1983.Graduated ESMOD JAPON TOKYO.
Acquired the basic knowledge of haute couture embroidery in Paris after working in the apparel industry as a designer for woman’s clothing.
Started the original work with the concept of “Works made by hand for your everyday style” since 2009.